Benchill Primary School

Benchill Road, Manchester, M22 8EJ

0161 998 3075

Sports & Pupil Premium

Like most schools, Benchill Primary School receives Pupil Premium funding to assist the progress of students who are in receipt of free school meals.


If your child already receives Free School Meals and you wish to discuss support then please contact his or her class teacher in the first instance. It is worth remembering that your son or daughter does not have to take free school meals in order to qualify for Pupil Premium.


If you feel that your child should be entitled to a free school meal you will need to contact the benefits office. The school office can offer you assistance in whether you would be entitled.


Pupil Premium Strategy Statement- December 2022 - Impact Statement.pdf


Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 23_24 - December 23.pdf




Sports Grant - Evidencing the Impact

 PE Grant 2023-2024.pdfDownload
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