Online Learning
What ‘remote learning’ can I expect from Benchill Primary School in the event absence due to Covid-19?
This information is to be used as a general guide and parents can expect further details of remote learning for their child as and when it is required. There are 2 general scenarios outlined below; the first scenario where your child is not permitted to attend school and the second outlines the actions in the case of a whole bubble not being permitted to attend school. Should you require further lessons for your child, BBC Bitesize has a range of lessons for each year group that can be used.
Remote Learning Policy
The video learning sessions will not be facilitated by your child’s class teacher if the teacher is the one experiencing Covid-19 symptoms. At times, your child may have video learning sessions presented by the other teacher in their year group (for example if your child’s teacher has a young child that requires childcare or is experience Covid-19 symptoms). Work may be marked and responded to by Teaching Assistants in order to allow teachers the time to create lesson content and deliver video sessions. We know our parents will understand that the health and wellbeing of our children, families and staff is paramount.
Home Learning Instructions Per Year Group in the Event of a Bubble Closure or if your Child Needs to Self-Isolate
Remote Learning Guidance for Parents
The children's Google classroom user credentials (logins and passwords) will be sent out in the event of a bubble or school closure. Please contact your child's class teacher if you have any other queries.
If you do not have internet access at home (or access to a device), the packs below can be used.
Please contact the school should you need any packs printing.